Best Laravel Packages for Auth and Users

Best Laravel Packages for Auth and Users

Discover the top Laravel packages for authentication and user management. Enhance your web applications with powerful, secure, and customizable solutions for user roles, permissions, multi-auth, social login, and more. Learn how to simplify authentication tasks and improve user experience with these must-have Laravel packages. You Can Learn How to Calculate the Sum of Multiple Columns Using Eloquent

Best Laravel Packages for Auth and Users

Best Laravel Packages for Auth and Users

1. Spatie Laravel Permission

Spatie Laravel Permission is a powerful package for managing user roles and permissions in Laravel applications. It simplifies assigning roles and permissions to users or other entities, providing a flexible way to control access to various parts of your application.

Key Features:

  • Roles and Permissions: You can assign one or more roles to a user and assign specific permissions to these roles.
  • Middleware: It provides middleware to restrict access to routes based on roles or permissions.
  • Database Storage: Permissions and roles are stored in the database, allowing easy updates without redeployment.
  • Blade Directives: You can use directives like @role, @hasrole, and @can to check roles and permissions within Blade views.
  • Multiple Guards: It supports multiple guards, making it useful for applications with different user types (like admins and regular users).
  • Caching: It caches the permissions to avoid repeated database queries.

2. Spatie Laravel activitylog

Spatie’s Laravel Activitylog is a package that makes it easy to log activities in your Laravel application. It allows you to keep a detailed record of the activities that happen, such as user actions or system changes. You can log activities, customize them, and retrieve them later to review or audit what happened at specific points in time.


  • Log changes for any Eloquent model (create, update, delete, etc.).
  • Automatically log the attributes that have been modified.
  • Store additional details like the user responsible for the change, IP address, or anything else.
  • Retrieve logs easily for auditing purposes.

3. JosephSilber Bouncer

The JosephSilber/Bouncer package is a robust authorization system for Laravel, designed to manage roles and abilities (permissions) in a flexible and easy-to-use way. It integrates seamlessly into Laravel and offers a way to define fine-grained access control using roles and abilities for your application.

Key Features:

  • Roles and abilities (permissions) management.
  • Assign abilities to users or roles.
  • Multiple roles per user.
  • Ownership support: Give users ownership of resources and abilities based on that.
  • Easy integration with Eloquent models.
  • Database-driven access control with caching for better performance.

4.  Laravel Messenger

cmgmyr/laravel-messenger This package will allow you to add a full user messaging system into your Laravel application.


  • Multiple conversations per user
  • Optionally loop in additional users with each new message
  • View the last message for each thread available
  • Returns either all messages in the system, all messages associated to the user, or all message associated to the user with new/unread messages
  • Return the users unread message count easily
  • Very flexible usage so you can implement your own access control

5. Laratrust

Laratrust is a flexible and customizable role and permission management package for Laravel, developed by santigarcor. It provides an easy way to handle roles, permissions, and teams in your Laravel applications, allowing fine-grained access control.

What does Laratrust support?

  • Multiple user models.
  • Multiple roles and permissions assignable to users.
  • Multiple permissions assignable to roles.
  • Roles and permissions verification.
  • Roles and permissions caching.
  • Events when roles and permissions are added, removed or synced.
  • Multiple roles and permissions can be added to users within teams.
  • Multiple guards for the middleware.
  • A simple administration panel for roles and permissions.
  • Laravel gates and policies.

6. Laravel Impersonate

Laravel Impersonate is a package that allows administrators or privileged users to impersonate other users within your application. This feature can be useful for debugging, support, or troubleshooting issues that a user might be facing by logging in as them without needing their credentials.

Key Features:

  • Administrators can impersonate other users with a single click.
  • The original user session is saved and can be restored after impersonation.
  • It integrates seamlessly into Laravel, making it easy to implement.
  • Middleware support to restrict access to impersonation features.
  • Customizable views and routes for managing impersonation.

7. laravolt/avatar

Display unique avatar for any user based on their (initials) name.

8. Sentinel

A framework agnostic authentication & authorization system. Sentinel is a PHP 8.2+ framework agnostic fully-featured authentication & authorization system. It also provides additional features such as user roles and additional security features.

9. Laravel Ban

Laravel Ban simplify management of Eloquent model’s ban. Make any model bannable in a minutes!

Use case is not limited to User model, any Eloquent model could be banned: Organizations, Teams, Groups and others.


  • Model can have many bans.
  • Removed bans kept in history as soft deleted records.
  • Most parts of the logic is handled by the BanService.
  • Has middleware to prevent banned user route access.
  • Use case is not limited to User model, any Eloquent model could be banned.
  • Events firing on models ban and unban.
  • Designed to work with Laravel Eloquent models.

10. Laravel Authentication Log 

Laravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user’s authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.

11. Laravel LaraPersonate

Is an Impersonation package for the Laravel Framework. With this package you can easily impersonate other users either manually or using the interface we provide.

You don’t have to worry about authorizing who can impersonate or who can be impersonated, coz we provided it by default, just need to adjust it a little according to your rules.

12. Authorization

Easy, native Laravel user authorization.

13. Gravatar for Laravel

A Laravel Gravatar package for retrieving gravatar image URLs or checking the existance of an image

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